Learn how to easily accomplish your first seven-figure income year by using my tried-and-true CEO growth strategy.

I want to help you, having helped thousands of aspirational women-owned companies with over $20 million in sales.Make your first seven-figure year using my tried-and-true CEO growth strategy.Find out how less than 2% of women ever grow their businesses to generate income of $1 million or more.

Most women entrepreneurs will tell you. They will also inform you that’s the ideal. Reaching revenue growth of more than six figures on your own is a tremendous achievement. However, the majority of business gurus will not tell you that once you cross that six-figure barrier, real, sustained development occurs. And the companies that truly “make it”—that is, recruit a full-time staff, get bought, gain industry recognition—all make seven figures or more.

Fewer than 2% of women ever grow their businesses to be valued at $1 million or more.

And I’m not good with it. You’ve invested money, time, effort, and resources in your company. You KNOW that if given the chance, you could change your sector and have an influence on the world around you. But you’re not sure how.

And the true question that keeps you up at night is whether or not all of your previous achievement was only a strange happenstance. You fear that if you quit working so hard, lose a customer, or get caught up in the economic slump, everything may disappear tomorrow. which I understand. I can relate to it because I have been in your exact position.

However, things don’T HAVE to be this way. Because there is, in fact, a straightforward method for risk-proofing your company, which will eventually allow it to grow and become predictable, stable, and scalable. to be among the 2% of female business owners who achieve success beyond seven figures. And to take part in a campaign that raises that figure over the meagre 2% mark because that is simply too low. For far too long, thousands of business gurus have been holding the keys to genuine success behind closed doors. not me, though. Not any longer

As a prominent female entrepreneur in the field, I’ve paved the path for other women to succeed financially. Along with Natalie Ellis, my business partner, I co-founded bossbabe. I used to work as a chiropractor in my little UK town for $70,000 a year. I was feeling depleted and fatigued, questioning whether this was the extent of my existence. Even worse, I was enmeshed in a relationship that was draining me and my family’s situation was deteriorating. I used to come home from work every day and Google “how to start a business.”

  • I allowed these five to nine Google searches to give me hope that, somewhere down the line, things may turn out better even though I knew I wanted more.


  • I saw an advertisement one evening for a nearby business coach who was taking on new students for a brief period of time.


  • Ten thousand dollars was invested. which was, at the time, over fifteen percent of what I was making, so, yes.


  • Danielle the chiropractor, who is 28 years old, thought it was a lot of money, and it actually was.


  • But despite knowing that my friends and family would disapprove of me for spending so much money on a coach, something pulled at my heart.


  • I couldn’t get rid of the gut instinct that told me this was my calling.

My life’s course was practically altered by working with my coach.

After a few weeks, things began to shift inside of me. I was regaining my inner strength, feeling more abundant, and being true to who I was.


and taking a plane across the nation to attend an event with Brendon Burchard after that.


The Brendon Burchard event was when everything started to come together, if accepting my coach was the first domino to fall. I was unsure of what to anticipate. I went into the event with big dreams, wondering whether I might launch a company “someday.” I departed with our company idea in its early stages and a new buddy.

Then, the momentum began to increase. Five months after the tragedy, we started our company. We quadrupled our launch objective in the first few minutes of the launch. In just our first year of operation, we achieved revenues of $1.4 million. By the time I was thirty, I was a billionaire.

All it takes to transform your business (and your life) is one simple decision.

I can attest to this with my story. Thousands of female businesses that I have helped over the years are also like this. entrepreneurs who began with nothing, expanded to six figures, and then significantly beyond that threshold. I am referring to individuals such as Brenda Chen. By all measures, Brenda’s business was a success. Many women aspire to earn low-six figures, which was her salary. She realized she was meant for more, though, at the same moment.



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